Department of Computer Science


Spring Semester 1998

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Assignment 8:

The next assignment of the semester is to study binary search trees. We shall
write a menu driven program, similar to what was demonstrated in class, which
will construct a binary search tree from the elements of a file. We shall maintain
a collection of integers in a BST. Your BST should use pointers and dynamic memory.

You must be able to:

1. Construct tree from file (measure effort)
2. Display tree structure (small files)
3. Add an element to the tree
4. Delete an element from the tree
5. Search the tree, (measure effort)
6. Inorder traversal
7. Preorder traversal
8. Postorder traversal
9. Depth of tree
A. Height balance tree, (measure effort)
B. Quit

You should make some statement concerning how you feel about the effort involved
in maintaining a height balanced binary search tree. Is the algorithm for balancing,
as costly as it is, worth the effort? 

If you wish 5 points of extra credit, In addition to the above, write the same program
for names rather than numbers.

Program due date: 

TR class: Tuesday, 21 April 1998 9:55 am.

MWF class: Monday, 20 April 1998, 9:30am. 
(New Due dates complements of Crystal.)