Pick one of the following problems to do for your interclass problem. Note that these problems require different scenarios. (Dot Scenario) (Maze Scenario)
1. Monochrome Filter - In the Dot scenario, call the populateRandom() method. Write a method that when called on a Dot, all Dots with that color will be removed from the board. You should not worry about having this happen while running the scenario.
2. Ripple Effect - In the Dot scenario, call the populateBlue() method. Using this grid of blue Dots, write a method that makes all Dots around the one this method is called on change colors (if blue, make it red and vice versa). This method should take an integer argument for the radius of this effect. You should not worry about having this happen while running the scenario.
3. Random Rat Race - In the Maze scenario, create a Mouse that starts at coordinates (1,0) and walks around randomly until it finds the Cheese, at which point it stops. The trick is that it isn't allowed to move diagonally or step on walls. Also include a method, int getSteps(), that reports how many steps were taken.
4. Controlled Rat Race - This is the same as option 3, but instead of having the mouse roam randomly, have its motion controlled by the user with the arrow keys.