Pick one of the following problems to do for your interclass problem. Some of them use the Mosaic scenario.
1. Mosaic Madness 2 - This is just like the Mosaic Madness from the last IcP, but with a twist. Now if you click on any square on the same row or column as the gap, it should slide all the pieces between the one you click on and the gap over. Basically, this allows you to solve puzzles faster because you can move multiple pieces with a single click.
2. Bouncing Ball - Make an applet that shows a ball bouncing. Use a JTimer to perform the animation.
3. Scrolling Text - Make an applet that will scroll a line of text across from right to left. Once it gets off the edge on the left it should repeat. Use a JTimer to perform the animation.
4. Drawing Lines - Make an applet that allows the user to draw lines. To do this it should store a list of lines and the paint method should draw those lines. When the user presses down the mouse button you want to remember that location. When they release you add a new line that goes from the point where the mouse button was pressed to the point where it was released. To store the lines you can either make your own class or you can use the java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double class.