Pick one of the following problems to do for your interclass problem.
1. Word Length Counting - In class we counted how many times each word occurred in a file. For this I want you to count how many words of a given length occur in a file. So in the sentence "I am going to the store." you have one word with one letter, two words with two letters, one word with three letters, none with four letters, and two words with five letters.
2. Sentence Length Counting - Go through a file and count how many sentences have any number of words.
3. Phone Book - Write a class that has a HashMap in it called PhoneBook. The map will be generic on <String,String> and it will map from a name to a number. Have a method in this class that reads a file where each line has a name (single word) followed by a phone number (again single word). It should put those pairs in the map. Then have a method called String lookUp(String name) that takes a name and returns that person's phone number.
4. Code Help - One fun thing that you can do with programs is have them help you write programs. In this case we want to consider the situation where actors need to be placed in the world at very specific locations, like the walls in the maze scenario. Writing that by hand can be quite a pain. However, with just a little code you can make it so that you place them graphically and have a program produce the code that is needed to redo it. Create a scenario and have at least one actor in it. Put a method in the world called printLocations(). It should get a list of all of that actor type in the world and for each one print out the line of code that would add it to the world, like "addObject(new ActorType(),x,y)" where you have replaced ActorType, x, and y with the proper information.