This is something I haven't done before, but there are so many interesting things happening in the world of computing right now that this seems appropriate. At the bottom of the Links page is a section with the title "Information Links". This contains a few links, at least one of which points to several others. You can get extra credit points on the midterm by writing a short paper (or a long essay if you prefer) where you analyze one of these articles.
You can get up to five bonus points per essay and do two essays. Each essay should be roughly two pages in length, but what matters most is the content, not the length. The essay should be an analysis of how you see the technology described in the article impacting society in general or you personally in the future when it matures. You are not supposed to summarize the article (though do put the URL at the top of your paper so I know what you are writing about).
You might even find other articles that follow in this same vein. You can send me a URL for such an article and see if I approve of you using it for this purpose.