Interclass Problem #2
This IcP is broken into two parts that are described below. One is very specific and you need to make sure you can demonstrate completion of it in class. The other is more vague and related to your project so you can just push it as far as you are able to at this point.
- The specific part of the IcP is some sorting algorithms. Pick one of the comparison sorts from chapter 13 and implement it in two ways that are polymorphic. Your three approaches will have declarations that look like the following.
- def sort1[A <: Ordered[A]](a:Array[A])
- def sort2[A](a:Array[A],lt:(A,A)=>Boolean)
- In addition, I want you to start writing some code for your project. You have a lot of freedom in what you choose to do here. If you have identified any type hierarchies in your project you should try to flesh them out. You can also work on a GUI if applicable or a basic text interface.