For this assignment you will do a little book work and a little programming. First, do the following questions from chapters 3 & 4.
3.4 (You could use EclipseUML and turn in a UML class diagram)
Now for the coding aspect of the assignment. First, you need to revise the code for assignment #1 so that it is flexible. What exactly this requires depends a lot on what language you are using. If you are using inclusion polymorphism through inheritance in either Java or C++ then you will need an inheritance hierarchy. However, if you are using templates in C++ you just need to create classes that have the same method names and signatures so that you can use either one in a templated function. Once you have this done, you will use that code in a small simulation of a basic queuing process. In this simulation people arrive and get in line and are helped in order by some group. Each member of the group can help one person at a time. Below are data files that give measurements of the time intervals between people arriving in the line and the time between when someone starts being serviced and when they are done. The times are given in seconds.
Your job is rather simple. Write a simulation of this system and using the simulation, tell me how many people need to be in the group providing service in order for the line to not grow out of control. To do this you should run the simulation with the number of helpers being between 1 and 10. For each number, give me a plot of how many people were in line waiting to be serviced as a function of time. The simulations should be run for 30 simulated minutes. Use your cummulative distribution method to do this.