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Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 136 (100.0%) 3046 (100.0%) 22.3
bpeckham 43 (31.6%) 588 (19.3%) 13.6
dhertens 13 (9.6%) 718 (23.6%) 55.2
hrichard 13 (9.6%) 466 (15.3%) 35.8
jnolan 28 (20.6%) 407 (13.4%) 14.5
mlewis 8 (5.9%) 59 (1.9%) 7.3
nseger 20 (14.7%) 514 (16.9%) 25.7
shughes 11 (8.1%) 294 (9.7%) 26.7

order by: Lines of Code / Name

Lines of Code

Activity by Clock Time

Author Activity

Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2