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Summary Period: 2005-10-11 to 2005-10-03 (Commits 26-75 of 75)

jnolan 2005-10-11 17:04

Minor Change, included DrawNode and made the DrawNode a pointer instead of trying to create an object of the abstract type.

2 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-11 17:03

Minor modifications, a couple error fixes.

8 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-11 16:53

Include of <iostream> was done incorrectly, and was causing warnings in my code.

1 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-11 16:50

Reinserted my Forward Declaration of class QuadNode into WorldObject.

8 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 16:35

*** empty log message ***

4 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-11 16:27

Added addObject and removeObject to QuadTree.cpp and hpp.
Added documentation to all four Quad files.

83 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-11 16:11

*** empty log message ***

2 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-11 16:05

*** empty log message ***

13 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-11 15:58

*** empty log message ***

18 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-11 15:50

Done for now!

70 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 15:29

*** empty log message ***

43 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-11 15:23

*** empty log message ***

7 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 15:22

Changed L-System with headers

25 lines of code changed in:

shughes 2005-10-11 15:21

This only includes windower.cpp. If you want to make one that includes everything, redo "qmake -project" and add the line "CONFIG += opengl" rather than "QT += opengl", then do "qmake" and "make".

0 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 12:44

*** empty log message ***

14 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 12:43

Updated L-System Code

11 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 12:42

*** empty log message ***

4 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-11 12:41

Updating L-Systems stuff with headers

4 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-11 11:44

Changed points to use Vec3

5 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-11 11:43

Class expanded and refined. Changed Constructor arguments, put vertices in std::vector

8 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-11 11:42

Constructor implementation

40 lines of code changed in:

shughes 2005-10-11 11:23

Just cleaned up. Didn't change functionality.

0 lines of code changed in:

shughes 2005-10-11 11:13

can be used for generating random Z values in the Vec3 class.

40 lines of code changed in:

shughes 2005-10-11 11:12

This classed can be used for generating random Z offsets in the Vec3.

23 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-10 20:58

Changed points to use Vec3

35 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-10 20:55

Added function prototypes for Contains() and Count(), and changed points to use Vec3.

Also changed constructor parameters for vertices.

40 lines of code changed in:

dhertens 2005-10-10 10:52

beta windower cpp. needs to be debugged with qt 3.3 grrrrrrrrrr

125 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-04 16:41

Add and remove compile in the quad node. Changes made to worldobject with Lewis' help. Next step: diagnostic testing on the add/remove and extending the code to the QuadTree files.

27 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-04 16:32

Works for real now

6 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:29


10 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:29

Takes care of geometric transforms

18 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:25

*** empty log message ***

3 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-04 16:20

Changed everything to const.

33 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:17

inherits from drawnode

1 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:15

draws set of non-vertex related triangles

28 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:15

created the class

17 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:10

*** empty log message ***

2 lines of code changed in:

bpeckham 2005-10-04 16:07

I made it work? Well i fixed math code

11 lines of code changed in:

mlewis 2005-10-04 16:02

Fixed some of the math in sphere and altered the design of DrawNode.

24 lines of code changed in:

mlewis 2005-10-04 15:51

Made the draw methods pure virtual.

1 lines of code changed in:

mlewis 2005-10-04 15:43

Altered the structure of the World Object a bit. Put in methods for expanding and collapsing.

12 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-04 14:09

Minor change, realized I had a crashworthy line in my remove function.

1 lines of code changed in:

mlewis 2005-10-04 13:50

I cleaned up the WorldObject stuff. One of the big changes was to make
the class abstract by having the getDrawNode be pure virtual.

21 lines of code changed in:

mlewis 2005-10-04 13:32

We changed a bit so it uses an initalizer list.

1 lines of code changed in:

hrichard 2005-10-04 10:33

My L-System code updated
I need to actually make this code effective

83 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-04 00:14

Changed the way include of quadnode was done and commented the lines that arent actually implemented yet to allow my code to compile. Still confused as to why we are not returning in our get methods.

7 lines of code changed in:

jnolan 2005-10-04 00:13

Added AddWO and RemoveWO methods, but debugging is not done.

85 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-03 20:31

*** empty log message ***

25 lines of code changed in:

shughes 2005-10-03 20:10

*** empty log message ***

32 lines of code changed in:

nseger 2005-10-03 19:57

*** empty log message ***

45 lines of code changed in:

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