CPE/CEP Technology Workshops at the American Accounting Association Annual Meetings
Bob Jensen at Trinity University
During the past decade, I have organized at least one all-day technology in education workshop at the American Accounting Association annual meetings. In the early years, these were not videotaped. The past three workshops were videotaped. Both the presentation materials and the MP3 audio files of the various speakers can be downloaded from the following links:
San Antonio on August
13, 2002
CPE Workshop Number 1 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/02start.htm
Atlanta on August 11,
CPE Workshop Number 1 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/001cpe/01start.htm
Philadelphia on August 12, 2000
CPE Workshop Number 1 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/000cpe/00start.htm
CPE Workshop 1, August 13, 2002
Bob Jensen
American Accounting Association Annual Meetings in San Antonio
I am making the MP3 audio files and the presentation files of each presenter available to the public. From the August 13, 2002 workshop, these files can be downloaded for free using the links below.
1. Workshop Title
What Critical Factors Determine Pedagogical Success Versus Failure? The Highly Successful Online MBA Courses at Duke University and the University of Connecticut and How Material Provided to Students in Classrooms Should Be Revised for Online Students
2. Principal organizer and contact person:
Robert E. Jensen
Trinity University
715 Stadium Drive
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
Voice: (210) 999-7347 Fax: (210) 999-8134 Email: rjensen@trinity.edu
Web Site: http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen
3. Speakers
Dennis Beresford
Tull School of Accounting
University of Georgia
Athenx, GA 30602-6252
Voice: (706) 542-3502 Fax: (706) 542-3630 Email:
Dennis Beresford [dberesfo@terry.uga.edu]
Dennis Beresford has been teaching accounting online
in the MBA program that is custom designed for Pricewaterhouse Coopers
consultants around the world. This online degree program has been running
for a number of years at the University of Georgia. Prior to that, Denny
the Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for ten years.
Previously he was the lead executive research partner for Ernst & Young.
The Pricewaterhouse Coopers customized online MBA program at the University of Georgia was one of the first online MBA programs in the world. Accounting courses in this successful program are delivered by Dennis Beresford, the former Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Denny will provide war stories of his experiences in fine tuning his online teaching
Dennis Beresford's Presentation File Download:
You may also view the files and download from the list of files at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/
Dennis Berresford's MP3 Audio File Download
You may download Denny's MP3 file from the list of fMP3 files at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/
Amy Dunbar
University of Connecticut School of Business,
Accounting Department
368 Fairfield Road, U-41A
Storrs, CT 06269-2041
Voice: (860) 486-5138 Fax: (860) 486-4838 Email: Amy Dunbar [SMTP:ADunbar@SBA.UCONN.EDU]
Amy Dunbar consistently obtains amazing teaching evaluations from both students and colleagues. She now teaches University of Connecticut tax courses entirely online out of her home. Professor Dunbar joined the accounting faculty at the University of Connecticut in 1999. She was a faculty member at the University of Texas at San Antonio from 1989 to 1993, and at the University of Iowa from 1993 to 1998. While at the University of Texas at San Antonio, she received the Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award, a College of Business teaching award, and several research awards, including the Ernst & Young Tax Literature Award. While at the University of Iowa, she received a University of Iowa Collegiate Teaching Award (one of 15 given university-wide) as well as two Department of Accounting teaching awards. While at the University of Connecticut, she received a Department of Accounting teaching award and a Chancellor's Information Technology Award (one of 6 given university-wide). Professor Dunbar has published in the Journal of the American Taxation Association, the National Tax Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, and several legal journals. Her research deals with tax policy issues, including who bears the burden of the proposed flat tax. She is a member of Board of Trustees for the American Taxation Association and has been active in both the Texas and Iowa Society of CPAs.Amy Dunbar is part of the new wave of professors who teach full-time for a university without having to leave home except to perform non-teaching duties on campus. Dr. Dunbar will explain how she consistently wows her students online and will share virtually all of her taxation teaching materials with registrants. A special feature will be a demonstration on how she uses instant messaging (free from AOL) to communicate in real time with students. See http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/book01q4.htm#Dunbar
Amy Dunbar's Presentation File Link:
For Amy's Genesis PDF file, go to http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/Dunbar2002.htm
For my earlier overview of Amy's teaching awards, go to
Amy Dunbar's MP3 Audio File Download
You may download Amy's MP3 file from the list of fMP3 files at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/
(I am
still waiting for Nancy to send me her picture.)
Nancy K. Keeshan
Associate Director of Continuing Business Education
Fuqua School of Business
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
Voice: (919) 660-7866) Fax: (919)660-3783) Email: Nancy Keeshan [keeshan@mail.duke.edu]
Nancy Keeshan is Associate Director of Duke University's Center for Excellence in Business Education (CEBE), a research and development group dedicated to enhancing the teaching and learning effectiveness for the Fuqua School of Business' online MBA programs. Nancy works with faculty and students to develop and sustain highly functional learning communities in Fuqua's distributed learning environments. She coaches student learning teams for optimum performance, and works with faculty to develop comfort and effectiveness using various internet-mediated education technologies. Previously, Nancy served as the Assistant Dean of Program Operations and Student Services for Fuqua's EMBA programs, working with faculty and executive students during the first four years of the Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) program. Nancy has been a member of the Fuqua School of Business' teaching faculty for 15 years. She also instructs international Executive Education participants in the use of Duke's distributed learning systems. Nancy's main interests are effective pedagogical models for distance learning environments and effective virtual learning teams.The Global Executive online MBA program at Duke University was headlined by Business Week Magazine as the "Hottest Campus on the Internet." To date, over 600 executives around the world have obtained Duke's prestigious online MBA degrees. Nancy Keeshan is a facilitator with years of experience in working with faculty, students, alumni, and prospective students in the administration of this amazing and courageous undertaking in two online global MBA programs and online executive development programs from their inception at Duke University . See http://www.fuqua.duke.edu/admin/gemba/index.html
Nancy Keeshan's Presentation File Download:
This is not yet available. It will be here soon.
Nancy Keeshan's MP3 Audio File Download
You may download Nancy's MP3 file from the list of fMP3 files at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/
Susan Spencer
Susan Spencer is designing online economics courses for San Antonio College (SAC). All online courses at SAC must be accessible by hearing and sight impaired students. Susan will discuss her innovative ideas in designing economics courses that can be delivered online to blind students.
Susan is an associate professor of Economics at San Antonio College. She has an MA from Washington University, a BA in Economics from the University of Missouri at Columbia and has worked at the Federal Reserve Board and Bureau of Labor and Statistics in Washington, DC. In San Antonio, she has taught at the University of Texas at San Antonio and owned and managed Flexware Systems, Inc. a computer software/consulting company.
Susan Spencer's Presentation File Download:
Susan's presentation file is not yet available. It will be here soon.
Susan Spencer's MP3 Audio File Download
You may download Susan's MP3 file from the list of fMP3 files at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/002cpe/
Bob Jensen
Trinity University
715 Stadium Drive
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
Voice: (210) 999-7347 Fax: (210) 999-8134 Email: rjensen@trinity.edu
Web Site: http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen
Bob Jensen will receive the American Accounting Association's Outstanding Accounting Educator Award in San Antonio on August 16, 2002. Dr. Jensen has conducted workshops at over 300 campuses around the world. The workshops focus upon learning and research technologies. In 1993, he was the British International Distinguished Lecturer and toured five universities in England on behalf of the British Accounting Association. His web site was featured in the August 14, 1998 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, Page A25. Bob is the Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at Trinity University. He is also a former Vice-President of the American Accounting Association. Dr. Jensen graduated summa cum laude at the University of Denver. He received a Ph.D. in accounting from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University in 1966. His Website is used by hundreds of professors and practitioners every day at http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen.Bob Jensen will provide an overview of successes and failures in online distance education. He will then demonstrate how course materials need to be modified when they are moved from the students in the classroom to students online. In particular, he will demonstrate an inexpensive and highly effective piece of software called Camtasia for making videos of live technical learning modules. See http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/
Bob Jensen's Presentation File Link:
Bob Jensen's presentation file is at http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/000aaa/updateee.htm
His other documents on education technology are linked at http://www.trinity.edu/rjensen/000aaa/0000start.htm
Bob Jensen's Camtasia Video File Downloads
The dummy neglected to videotape his own presentation. However, he spent most of his time discussing Camtasia. You can view his video samples of Camtasia and a tutorial on how to make Camtasia videos from http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~rjensen/video/