Blender Documentation: Last modified September 22 2003 S68 | ||
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The following HotKeys work uniformly in all Blender windows:
This key always cancels Blender functions without changes.
or: FileWindow, DataView and ImageSelect: back to the previous window type.
or: the RenderWindow is pushed to the background (or closed, that depends on the operating system).
SPACE. Open the main menu of Blender, the Toolbox.
TAB>. Start or quit EditMode.
F1. Loads a Blender file. Changes the window to a FileWindow.
SHIFT+F1. Appends parts from other files, or loads as Library-data. Changes the window to a FileWindow, making Blender files accessible as a directory.
F2. Writes a Blender file. Change the window to a FileWindow.
SHIFT+F2. Exports the scene as a DXF file
CTRL+F2. Exports the scene as a VRML1 file
F3KEY. Writes a picture (if a picture has been rendered). The fileformat is as indicated in the DisplayButtons. The window becomes a FileWindow.
CTRL+F3. Saves a screendump of the active window. The fileformat is as indicated in the DisplayButtons. The window becomes a FileWindow.
SHIFT+CTRL+F3. Saves a screendump of the whole Blender screen. The fileformat is as indicated in the DisplayButtons. The window becomes a FileWindow.
F4. Displays the LampButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F5. Displays the MaterialButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F6. Displays the TextureButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F7. Displays the AnimButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F8. Displays the RealtimeButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F9. Displays the EditButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F10. Displays the DisplayButtons (if a ButtonsWindow is available).
F11. Hides or shows the render window.
F12. Starts the rendering of the active camera.
LEFTARROW. Go to the previous frame.
SHIFT+LEFTARROW. Go to the first frame.
RIGHTARROW. Go to the next frame.
SHIFT+LEFTARROW. Go to the last frame.
UPARROW. Go forward 10 frames.
DOWNARROW. Go back 10 frames.
ALT+AKEY. Change the current Blender window to Animation Playback mode. The cursor changes to a counter.
ALT-SHIFT+AKEY. The current window, plus all 3DWindows go into Animation Playback mode.
ALT+EKEY. Start or leave EditMode.
IKEY. Insert Key menu. This menu differs from window to window.
JKEY. Toggle the render buffers. Blender allows you to retain two different rendered pictures in memory.
NKEY. Number buttons. These buttons differ depending on the type of Blender window. Numeric information for the active selection can be visualised and specified using these buttons.
CTRL+OKEY. Opens the last saved file.
QKEY. "OK? Quit Blender". This key closes Blender. "Blender quit" is displayed in the console if Blender is properly closed.
ALT-CTRL+TKEY. TimerMenu. This menu offers access to information about drawing speed. The results are displayed in the console.
CTRL+UKEY. "OK" Save User defaults". The current project (windows, objects, etc.), including UserMenu settings are written to the default file that will be loaded every time you start Blender or set it to defaults by pressing CTRL-X.
CTRL+WKEY. Write file. This key combination allows you to write the Blender file without opening a FileWindow.
ALT+WKEY. Write Videoscape file. Changes the window to a FileWindow.
CTRL+XKEY. Erase All. Everything (except the render buffer) is erased and released. The default scene is reloaded.
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