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Now that you know about recursion, I'd like for you to write a program that uses the real power of recursion. There are two options for this assignment. Both of them have you solving problems that can be done fairly simply using recursive functions that call themselves more tha once. Of course, they can also be written using non-recursive code but odds are good that it will be harder, less efficient, or both.
After each problem description I've given you sample input and output files. If you run the program with the input I give you should get something pretty much identical to my output.
As a side note, be sure to save the code from all the programs you do. It is quite possible that later in the semester other assignments will include things that overlap with them and your code will be reusable.
To turn in this assignment just send the code in an e-mail to mlewis@cs.trinity.edu. You can do this with the command "mail mlewis@cs.trinity.edu < assn4.c" if assn4.c is the name of your source file.
Mouse in a Maze:
This is a very standard algorithmic problem in computer programming. It is actually a more specialized version of a general graph traversal algorithm. The more general form isn't really harder to write than what you will do, but it requires constructs that we haven't talked about yet. For this problem, you will start by reading in a 2-D array that represents the maze. You will then read in several starting locations and for each one you will print out the length of the shortest path to the exit.
The input format will be as follows. Be sure to look at the sample input I provide to see an example of what it should look like. The inputs begins with two integers that give you the number of rows, R, and number of columns, C, in the maze. Neither number will exceed 80. After that will be R lines of text that represent the maze. Each line will have C characters in it. Probably the easiest way to read the maze in is as R strings. The characters that make up the maze will be '.', 'X', and 'E'. The periods represent open spaces that can be moved through, the Xs represent walls, and the Es are exits. Assume that everything outside the size given is a wall so the mouse can't go to indexes beyond that. After the map will be a line with an int followed by lines of row,column coordinates. The first number is how many coordinates you should read in. For each coordinate, you should print out how long the shortest distance from that point to an exit is. If it is an exit the value should be zero. If the point given is a wall print out a message saying so. If you can't get from that point to the exit print that message as well.
See the sample input and output files for examples. This problem can be solved a lot like the flood fill program we did in class, but with a bit more logic thrown in to keep track of things. My hint on this problem is that you will want to have two 2-D arrays. One will be of characters that stores the maze itself. The other will be of integers and you will use it to keep track of shortest paths.
Symbolic Algebra:
We wrote simple little calculators in class, but now we want to go a bit further to have you write something that could actually be useful. For this option, you will write a program that recursively parses a string for an arithmetic expression and returns the value of it. Examples would be 5+7 or 9*(5+7.5)/2. Your parser should do proper order of operations binding (things in parentheses bind highest, * and / before + and -, and go from left to right for the same level of priority).
The approach I want you to take for solving this problem is with a recursive algorithm that breaks the proble into pieces starting with the lowest priority operation. You will write a function double parse(char *exp,int start,int end);. This function will return the value of the expression in the string exp in the characters between indexes start and end. If that part of the expression is just a number it returns the value of the number. Otherwise it works to find the lowest priority operation and recurse twice with the values of start and end that give the strings on either side of that operator. To get the value of a number you can use the atof function in stdlib.h.
You only have to be able to handle the basic operations of +, -, *, and / as well as parentheses. For extra credit add in the ability to use '^' for exponentiation (pay attention to order of operations on that) as well as trig functions like sin, cos, and tan.