This page belongs to Madison Paige Lewis. Here she is working on the original version two years ago.
New!!! Pictures from early spring and May 2001. The former includes easter and our trip to Oklahoma while the latter is Mark's graduation and a trip to the mountains.
Pictures from Easter 2000, June 2000, and August 2000.
Images from Spring 2000. Our trip to Texas (including shots of J.D. carrying Mark). Also see our trip to Oklahoma (with lots of shots from the Seminole children's museum and a REALLY BIG dump truck). Plus a few others from Colorado (like Harley girl Madison).
Pictures from January 2000, professional three year pictures, and Valentine's Day 2000
Pictures of Madison on our Disney Vacation.
Click here to see Madison as a flower girl at Tina's wedding.
Pictures of Heather's Graduation and Madison in Texas (Summer 1999).
Madison visiting a local park in Spring 1999 and Madison in June 1999.
Pictures of Madison during the 98-99 holidays.
Here are two other pictures of Madison hard at work ( one, two).We also have a scanned image of Madison's first drawing here.
As soon as she gets a chance, Madison is going to make this page more interactive, and put up a few more pictures. Right now you can see a number of other pictures at her father's homepage.