Sheng Tan

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Trinity University

Email: stan at
Office: CSI 270J
Phone: (210) 999-7810


8/17/2024: Our paper got accepted by HICSS.

8/7/2024: Our paper got accepted by IEEE MASS.

12/1/2021: Our paper got accepted by ACM IMWUT.

1/7/2021: Our paper got accepted by ACM IMWUT.

12/7/2020: Our paper got accepted by IEEE TMC.

8/17/2020: Our paper got accepted by ACSAC 2020.

1/18/2020: Our paper got accepted by ACM IMWUT.

6/5/2019: Traveled to Charleston, SC for 2019 CyberPaths Workshop.

4/19/2019: Received Research Excellence Award from Florida State University.

| About | Teaching | Refereed Publications | Services and Awards | Misc. |


Sheng Tan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Trinity University. Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at Florida State University in 2019, supervised by Prof. Jie Yang.

His research interests span Mobile Computing, Cybersecurity, Human Computer Interaction and Computer Science Education. He published papers in premier venues such as ACM CHI, ACM CCS, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM and ACM Ubicomp. His current projects include mobile safety system for distracted driver/pedestrian and mobile sensing for human computer interaction applications.



Fall 2024
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 2320 Principles of Data Abstraction
CSCI 3194 Technical Interview Prep

Fall 2023
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3343 Database Systems

Spring 2023
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3396 Computer and Network Security
CSCI 3397 Mobile Application Development

Fall 2022
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 2320 Principles of Data Abstraction
CSCI 3343 Database Systems

Spring 2022
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3396 Computer and Network Security
CSCI 3397 Mobile Application Development (Android)

Fall 2021
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3343 Database Systems

Spring 2021
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3396 Computer and Network Security
CSCI 3397 Mobile Application Development (Android)

Fall 2020
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3343 Database Systems

Spring 2020
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3396 Computer and Network Security

Fall 2019
CSCI 1320 Principles of Computer Science I
CSCI 3343 Database Systems


Refereed Publications

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[ACM IMWUT] Yili Ren, Zi Wang, Sheng Tan, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang. "Winect: 3D Human Pose Tracking for Free-form Activity Using Commodity WiFi". In PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing (IMWUT) 2021.

[ACM IMWUT] Zi Wang, Sheng Tan, Linghan Zhang, Yili Ren, Zhi Wang, Jie Yang. "EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables". In PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing (IMWUT) 2021.

[IEEE TMC] Sheng Tan, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen. "Enabling Fine-grained Finger Gesture Recognition on Commodity WiFi Devices". Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC) 2021. 14 pages.

[ACSAC2020] Linghan Zhang, Sheng Tan, Zi Wang, Yili Ren, Zhi Wang, Jie Yang. "VibLive: A Continuous Liveness Detection for Secure Voice User Interface in IoT Environment". In Proceedings of Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2020. 13 pages.

[ACM IMWUT] Yili Ren, Sheng Tan, Linghan Zhang, Zi Wang, Zhi Wang, Jie Yang. "Liquid Level Sensing Using Commodity WiFi in a Smart Home Environment". In PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing (IMWUT) 2020. 30 pages.

[CHI2019] Sheng Tan, Linghan Zhang, Zi Wang, Jie Yang. "MultiTrack: Multi-User Tracking and Activity Recognition Using Commodity WiFi". In Proceedings of 2019 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 12 pages.

[ACM IMWUT] Zi Wang, Linghan Zhang, Sheng Tan, Jie Yang. "ObstacleWatch: Acoustic-based Obstacle Collision Detection for Pedestrian Using Smartphone". In PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing (IMWUT) 2019. 22 pages.

[ICCCN2018] Sheng Tan, Linghan Zhang, Jie Yang. "Sensing Fruit Ripeness Using Wireless Signals". In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks. 9 pages.

[CCS2017] Linghan Zhang, Sheng Tan, Jie Yang. "Hearing Your Voice Is Not Enough: An Articulatory Gesture Based Liveness Detection for Voice Authentication". In Proceedings of 24th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. 15 pages.

[CCS2016] Linghan Zhang, Sheng Tan, Jie Yang. "VoiceLive: A Phoneme Localization based Liveness Detection for Voice Authentication on Smartphones". In Proceedings of 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. 12 pages.

[MobiHoc2016] Sheng Tan, Jie Yang. "WiFinger: leveraging commodity WiFi for fine-grained finger gesture recognition". In Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. 10 pages.

[INFOCOM2016] Cagdas Karatas, Luyang Liu, Hongyu Li, Jian Liu, Yan Wang, Sheng Tan, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Marco Gruteser, Richard Martin. "Leveraging Wearables for Steering and Driver Tracking". In Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications. 9 pages.


Services and Awards

  • Conference Reviewer: IEEE INFOCOM '21, ACM SIGCSE '21 '20 '19, ACM CHI '20, IEEE WFIoT '20, ACM ITiCSE '20 '19, CCSC-SW '20, CCSC-NE '20, IEEE MASS '20, IEEE DCOSS '19, IEEE/ACM IWQoS '19, ACM CHI '19, IEEE WCNC '18, IEEE IPCCC '17.
  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, IEEE Transaction on Big Data, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Access, MDPI Sensors, MDPI Applied Sciences, MDPI Symmetry, MDPI Electronics.
  • Program Committee: ACHI 2020, ACM CompEd '19.
  • Reviewer Board: MDPI Future Internet.
  • CS Research Excellence Award, Florida State University, 2019.
  • CS Expo Best Presentation Award, Florida State University, 2016.
  • Top


    I enjoy running and took part in local marathon race.

    I like outdoor activities and hiked through the Pacific Crest Trail route within California (From Mount San Jacinto to Klamath Mountains), selected pictures: group shot at camp, sleep at high altitude.

    I am very interested in playing and developing video games. Previous iOS games development cooperated with Jason Li: 100Numbers, iMonsterBall. I previously hold world speed run record for Biohazard 4 (NGC Japanese version) and Biohazard 5 (XBOX360 Japanese version).


    Last modified 1/2022