Ron Resden's Photo Archives (Set 05) of the Sunset Hill House Resort
Bob Jensen at Trinity University 

In Summer of 2017 a friendly stranger walked up our drive
He introduced himself as Ron Resden, a gunsmith from Guildhall, Vermont
He recalls both the old iron mine of Sugar Hill, NH and the 1880 Sunset Hill House Resort that was torn down in 1974
At one time he worked at the resort and lived in the Resort's Dormitories

Our cottage sits where the main hotel of the 1880 SHH Resort was located
I previously wrote about the history of this resort
Scroll down to Cottage History at

When he departed Ron Resden left me with a CD containing many pictures of the former SHH Resort
I will now share Set 05 of Ron's pictures, most of which are taken from historic post cards

In December 2018 he sent me another CD containing many more pictures of the SHH Resort


The key to mountain cooling in the long hot summers before the big cities to the south had air conditioning


I will now share Ron Resen's pictures with you across several editions of Tidbits

This was the Sunset Hill House Resort in a 1904 Post Card
The mountains to the east and west are not shown in this picture
The resort was only open in the summer season




Guests mostly arrived by trains  nearby depots and were taken to the resort in horse-drawn carriages


These are guests and some resort workers beside an employee dorm (caddies are wearing caps)
Women wore long dresses and hats 100+ years ago


These are employee dorms where Ron Resden once stayed in a second floor room


This is another dorm called the Annex that housed employees
Although most resort buildings were demolished in 1974,
The Annex and the adjoining Hill House were preserved and
remodeled into the present day Inn at Sunset Hill (28 rooms) ---
The Inn this month (Feb. 2019) is changing ownership


This is a present day shot of the Inn at Sunset Hill
Our cottage was moved to where the big hotel was torn down
The cottage is hard to see amongst the trees in this aerial picture
Hill House is to the right of the old Annex


I don't know if the incoming new owners of the Inn will continue to host this video
The Inn on Sunset Hill (just down from our cottage) ---

Note the golf course flag in the lower right corner



The photograph below shows how large the SHH main hotel was 100+ years ago
It could sleep over 300 summertime guests


This was part of the big lobby


This was the main dining room which is about the same place where our cottage's dining room is today


Keep in mind that 100+ years ago there was no refrigeration
Much of the food was raised in the surrounding fields and barns (including vegetables, fruit, chickens, eggs, and pork)
Our former minister, Tom Golden, for a period of time spent summers in the dorms
He was in charge of making and serving the salads
Rev. Golden died a few years ago

I think room prices included meals
This is a menu in 1951 when the resort had refrigeration
I suspect menus were much more limited before electric refrigerators and stoves


A former Sugar Hill resident sent me the two pictures below
The Lookoff Hotel was independently owned above the SHH Resort
It too has since been torn down


The key to mountain cooling in the long hot summers before the big cities to the south had air conditioning




Set 01 of my cottage pictures ---
Set 02 inside the cottage ---
Set 03 inside the cottage
Set 04 inside the cottage
Photographs of Putting a New Rubber Roof Under Our Widow's Walk

Indoor  Plants ---
Amaryllis ---   

Video:  The Inn on Sunset Hill (just down from our cottage) ---


Cottage History

Sunset Hill House Resort History Set 01 ---   

Historic Photographs (Set 01) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont

Historic Photographs (Set 02) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont

Historic Photographs (Set 03) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont

Historic Photographs (Set 03) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont

Historic Photographs (Set 04) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont

Historic Photographs (Set 05) of the Sunset Hill House Resort Shared by Gunsmith Ron Resden from Vermont


After the Sunset Hill House Resort was nearly all demolished in 1973, our cottage (before it was ours)
was moved in 1977 from the golf course across a tennis court and up to where the former hotel site.
I show pictures of the preparation work prior to the moving the cottage and its four fireplaces

Next I show pictures of the move to the new site 

Next I show the pictures of a 1980 spectacular fire on one of the remaining three cottages

Iron Ore From Ore Hill and Historic Iron Works Operations in Franconia

Sunset Hill House Hotel:  The American Dream ---

Part 1 of the History of the Homestead Inn Torn Down in 2015

Part 2 of the History of the Homestead Inn 



More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and Stories


Blogs of White Mountain Hikers (many great photographs) ---

Especially note the archive of John Compton's blogs at the bottom of the page at

Are there trails in our White Mountains of New Hampshire that have ice in summer as well as winter?
See "The Ice Gulch, Would I do it Again" by John Compton, August 5, 2011 ---

Okay, you might ask, is there really ice in the Ice Gulch, even in August? Yes, there is! The next photo shows one small patch of ice. There were many larger patches, but they were at the bottom of some of those deep gaps that I mentioned above. I took some photos, but none of them really turned out, even with using a flash to illuminate these dark, dank, deep spots.

 White Mountain News ---


On May 14, 2006 I retired from Trinity University after a long and wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---

Bob Jensen's Blogs ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures ---   

Our address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's Green Mountains to the West



Bob Jensen's Threads ---

Bob Jensen's Home Page ---