CS 3291 (Java with Internet Applications):
Old Announcements
Old "latest news" entries, in reverse chronological order
- (October 27)
Reminder: We will use November 9's class for short (5-minute)
oral progress reports on projects.
This report represents 5% of the project grade,
and can only be made up if class was missed for a compelling
- (October 5)
Guidelines for projects are
now available at last, explaining what you must turn in
and when.
Note that your initial project proposal is due
October 14;
this is to allow me to review them before
midsemester grade reports are due (October 18).
- (October 4)
I've added a couple of links to the
Useful links and other resources page.
- (October 4)
The syllabus has been revised
to reflect our decision to (1) make homework optional
and (2) dispense with exams and weight the project
more heavily.
- (September 27)
If possible, students should try to read about
I/O in Java and threads in Java before the next class.
(This was announced in the previous class --
September 23, rescheduled from
September 21 -- and should have been posted here last
week; apologies for the short notice.)
- (September 10)
Information about homeworks
is available. These are optional, assuming everyone
agrees to the syllabus change!
- (September 8)
Only four people have sent me mail agreeing to the proposed
syllabus change! Vote early; vote often ....
- (September 7)
The following change to the syllabus was proposed in class:
- No exams.
- Homework optional; students who do not turn in homework
should expect to do more substantial projects.
(The homeworks will be Java programming exercises,
which students who do not already know Java should
find useful.)
- Grading according to the following scheme:
- Optional homework (0 - 30 percent).
- Project (60 - 90 percent). (Homework and project
together total 90 percent.)
- Class participation (10 percent).
We can only make this change if all registered students
consent. Please send me mail at
telling me whether you agree to this change.
- (September 7)
Before the next class (September 14), students should read
Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of Exploring Java
(available online; start
here and follow links), or equivalent.
- (September 7)
Homework #1 will be available linked from this page by
- (August 31)
Class will officially meet only on Tuesdays;
during the scheduled time Thursday I will be available in the
classroom to provide additional help or answer questions.
- (August 31)
There is no homework to turn in, but before the next class
(September 7):
- Students with no or little previous exposure to Java
should read Chapter 4 of Exploring Java
(available online; start
here and follow links).
- All students should verify that they can compile and
execute the "hello" sample programs. You can download
these programs from the
sample programs page.
See the Java tips page for
information about compiling and executing programs.
- (August 31)
I have made available a collection of
sample programs
I developed for a previous course.
- (August 26)
Homework #0
(background questionnaire) was distributed in class
August 26; due back no later than next class (August 31).
This information will help me tailor the class to the
students' backgrounds and interests; as an incentive,
it's worth 5 homework points. Follow the above link if
you need a(nother) copy.