The variance of a set of N numbers a0, a1,..., aN - 1 is defined to be the sum
For this assignment, you are to write a multi-threaded program to compute the variance of a set of numbers. The textbook discusses using multiple threads to speed up the calculation of the sum of a set of numbers; it is not difficult to extrapolate from this discussion to an approach for using multiple threads to speed up calculating the variance of a set of numbers, if you break down the calculation into two steps:
Your program should take two command-line arguments:
If the program is started with one command-line argument (P), it should read its input numbers from standard input, continuing to read until end-of-file is encountered. It should accept any number of input numbers. Floating-point inputs are okay.
If the program is started with two command-line arguments (P and N), it should generate N input numbers using any reasonable technique for generating random numbers.
In either case, once it has read or generated its input numbers, the program should compute their variance and print the following output:
You can write your program either (i) in C++ or C, using the POSIX threads library functions as we have been doing in class, or (ii) in Java using Java's built-in support for multi-threading. Whichever language you use, be sure your program compiles and executes correctly on the department's Linux machines.
So that you do not have to write the tedious and non-parallel parts of this program, I am providing a sequential program that performs the required calculations. You can find it in To compile and run this program, you will also need the timer() function, which is in file threads-timer.h.
(Obviously this program will not help you much if you write your program in Java. Such is life.)
Once you have confirmed that your program is operating correctly (for small numbers of inputs), try running it for a large number of generated inputs and varying values of P (number of threads). Record at least half a dozen observations (different combinations of N and P) to see how running time varies with these two variables. Also record which machine you performed these experiments on. You may find it interesting to see whether multi-threading can help even if you have more threads than processors. FYI, machines known to have multiple processors include SnowWhite.CS.Trinity.Edu (4 processors) and the Dwarfn.CS.Trinity.Edu machines (2 processors each).
For this assignment, please work individually. As always, discussion of the assignment is allowed (encouraged, even), but for this assignment each person should do the actual coding independently.
You may find it useful to look at some of the example programs using multi-threading; see the sample programs page. In particular you may find it useful to look at the two programs that compute the sum of N numbers. Both programs take the same approach to parallelizing the computation, but they implement it in slightly different ways: makes use of global variables, while takes a very C++-ish approach to passing the required data to the threads via parameters. Included files other than those from the standard library (e.g., threads-timer.h) should also be available linked from the sample programs page.
P (the number of threads) might not evenly divide N. Your code should be prepared to cope with this. At the very least, it should print an error message and stop.
Submit your completed program (variance.c,, or, plus a text file containing your timing observations (as described in the ``Details'' section above), by e-mail as described in the Guidelines for Programming Assignments, using a subject header of ``cs3366 hw 4''. Please submit the timing observations as a plain text file.