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Upgrading Access Point Software: Dell™ TrueMobile™ 1150 Series AP1000 User's Guide

About the Access Point Software
Uploading Software

About the Access Point Software

The TrueMobile access point runs on embedded software, which is also referred to as firmware or Bridge Kernel. This software is factory-installed, so, in normal situations, you do not need to worry about the software of the access point.

In exceptional cases, you may choose to load new access point software into the FlashROM of your access points, for example in situations where:

The TrueMobile access point software is a binary file in the wpntxxx.bin format (where xxx identifies the version of the access point software).

You can find a copy of this file in the program directory where you installed the TrueMobile AP Manager program. For the latest version of the access point software versions, consult the TrueMobile website.

Uploading Software

When uploading access point software (or firmware) no changes are made to the configuration of the access point. However, Dell recommends that you create a backup file using the Download Config File from the access point menu in case no backup file exists of the current configuration setting:

  1. Select the target access point from the list or enter an IP address for a specific access point.

  2. Click Upload Software, in the Access Point menu.

  3. The AP Manager program prompts you to open an access point software file (with the .bin extension).

  4. Browse to the directory where you have installed the TrueMobile AP Manager program file, or the directory where you saved the access point software file you downloaded from the TrueMobile website.

  5. From the list of displayed files, click the wpntxxx.bin file (where xxx identifies the version of the access point software).

  6. Click Open to open the access point software file.

  7. Enter the password for the access point if you are prompted to and click OK to continue.

  8. When prompted to confirm the access point software upload, click Yes.

The TrueMobile access point reboots and starts bridging operation using the parameters as set in the software file.

Confirm Upload access point Software

When you try to upload the TrueMobile access point software file (with the Bin extension) to your access point, a message box opens asking you to confirm:

You do not need to be concerned about the access point software file's being overwritten, as this will affect neither its functionality nor its features.

Yes, Upload Access Point Software

When you select Yes, Upload Access Point Software, the TrueMobile AP Manager program:

  1. Saves the access point software file to disk, using the same filename (the software file you opened will be overwritten).

  2. Uses the saved file to upload the target access point.

When the access point software file is saved to disk, the Configuration Parameter Area of the software file is updated with the settings that were retrieved from the TrueMobile access point or imported from the backup file (with the .cnf extension). The Software Area of the access point software file remains unchanged (see "Upload Software, A Look Under the Hood".

Since the Software Area remains unchanged, overwriting the software file does not affect the functionality or the features of this software file.

No, Do Not Upload Access Point Software

When you select No, Do Not Upload Access Point Software, the TrueMobile AP Manager program stops the upload operation.

If you still want to upload the access point software, and you don't want to overwrite the original software file, make a backup copy of the original software file (with the Bin extension), and save it to a separate floppy disk.

Upload Software, A Look Under the Hood

The access point software file consists of two information areas that are both stored in the FlashROM of the TrueMobile access point bridge:

What happens in the procedure to upload access point software is that the TrueMobile AP Manager program merges the configuration parameters retrieved from the access point with the software information from the access point software file (with the Bin extension). The configuration parameters and the software information are saved to a disk first, prior to uploading the information to the access point.

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