Using gdb, C++, and Emacs1

Jeffrey D. Oldham

2000 Mar 22



A debugger is a tool permitting your program to run in ``slow motion'' so you can examine how your program runs or why it crashes. With a debugger, one can

Since the Gnu debugger gdb works nicely with emacs and Xemacs so we will be describing it. We assume you are running either of these editors.

Obtaining More Information About gdb

gdb has many more features than can be described here. Other sources of information include

A Short Example of Using gdb

Compiling Your Program

The debugger needs more information than the compiler usually places in the executable so compile your program using the -g compiler flag. For example,

g++ -g -Wall -pedantic -o factorial
Here is the program.

Running Your Program

To run a program named factorial using gdb inside emacs, type M-x gdb. (The M-x is Meta-x, probably Alt-x or ESC-x on your keyboard.) Enter factorial when queried for the executable's name. A gdb buffer will appear.

To starting running factorial, type

The program instantly dies. We could read the source code to find the problem, but let's use the debugger instead.

To stop execution when the program enters the main function, type

break main
Then, type run to start running the program again. Execution halts when starting the main function. Emacs splits the screen in half, displaying the program line that is being executed.

To execute the next line, type the

command. Hitting return will repeat the last command. Hitting return a few more times indicates we are missing a command-line argument, and the program will be aborted.

To specify command-line arguments, type them after run. For example,

run 4
Repeatedly invoking next demonstrates how the program runs. If we wish to watch how the factorial function works, we should

into the function when the debugger reaches the function call. step steps into function calls while next moves to the next line. Continuing stepping, we can watch each recursive call of the factorial function.

Starting each function call adds a frame to the stack while finishing a function call removes a frame from the stack. To inspect the stack, i.e., to see a listing of all the frames, try


Another way to inspect calls to factorial, is to set a breakpoint at its beginning. One could type break factorial, but instead move the cursor the function's first line and type C-x space. gdb will indicate a breakpoint has been set. Then, start running the program again. To continue execution until reaching the next breakpoint, type

To finish the the execution of the current function, type finish.

Another Short Example

When dealing with pointers and dynamic memory, segmentation faults are frequent occurrences. gdb will automatically stop execution when one occurs. Try running this program. To determine its state when it halts, use the backtrace command. To move up and down in the stack, use the up and down commands. Some stack frames are for functions automatically called by the compiler or by other functions.

In this particular case, we learn the segmentation fault occurs in the destructor, but it is hard to tell why. Solving this problem requires thought beyond what the debugger can reveal, but we can watch obj1's and obj2's values change as the program executes. To print the values of *(obj1.b) or *(obj2.b), use

print *(obj1.b)
If we forget the type of obj1, we can learn that by typing

ptype obj1
Somewhere obj2's value changes from true to false. To learn that, we can ask gdb to display values of expressions after each command. For example,

display *(obj1.b)
After passing obj2's declaration, we can do the same for it.

display *(obj2.b)
Thus, we learn that its value changes somewhere near the set call.2



©2000 Jeffrey D. Oldham . All rights reserved. This document may not be redistributed in any form without the express permission of the author.
An alternative to the display command is the watch command.
