On this page I will be posting important information that you need to know for the class. I'll also be sending out e-mails, but you should check this page occasionally. It will have links on it to significant items.
12-7-2002: Here is a review sheet for the final.
10-19-2002: There is a link for the fifth assignment posted on the project descritpion.
10-13-2002: On the lectures page on the date of the test there is a review sheet PDF for the test.
10-2-2002: There is now a longer description of assignment #4 posted.
10-1-2002: If you check out the project description you can find a new link to my description of the image editor and how to use it.
9-22-2002: If you look at the projects page, you will see that I have posted a long description of the 3rd assignment.