This page contains a number of links that you might find helpful during the course of the semester. I will be updating this page over the course of the semester. If you find anything that you think might be of interest to the class e-mail me a link and I will put it up here if it is appropriate.
Class Links
Project Description - This is the general description of the course project. It links to more detailed descriptions of exactly what you need to do for each assignment during the semester.
Eclipse - This is the IDE that we will be working in. It is Open Source and completely free to download and install.
In class code - This links to the project directory that I do the in class coding in so you can see what we have been working on.
Java Links
Sun's Java Site - This has all types of things related to Java in it. I have many links directly to other parts of this site.
Java 1.4 download - Download a new version for the computer you are working on.
Java 1.4 API Documentation - This is a remarkably helpful link because it gives you quick access to the entire API. You can quickly navigate between any of the libraries in Java.
Java Tutorial - This actually links to a page with many different tutorials on many different parts of Java. It's not as comprehensive as the API, but it often does a better job of linking between different classes and packages to show you how to use things and what really works.
Java Developer Connection - This is something that you might consider signing up for. It gives you access to a lot more at the Sun Java site. Included in that are a lot of different tutorials that you can't get to without it.
javadoc Documentation - Pages discussing how to write comments for and use javadoc. In particular you might want to look at this page on Documentation Comments.
Java 1.5 in a Nutshell - This is a short summary of all the new things that are going into Java 1.5.
New Features in Java 1.5 - This is a more complete list of what is changing in Java 1.5.
Java Ranch - A site that was originally aimed at helping people with Java certification but which has grown a bit since then.
Java Without an IDE - This page was written by Dr. Massingill to give instruction on how you can do your Java work from the command line.
O'Reilly's ONJava - Another site on Java that inevitably goes WAY beyond this course, but you might find some good information there and can certainly use it as a reference later on.
RoboCode - This is a site at IBM where they let you write Java code to control robot tanks that battle one another.
Code Ruler - This is another IBM site where you get to write the AI for a game. This this case, the game is more of a simulation/strategy game.
General Links
TopCoder - This site has weekly programming competitions where you can compete in Java (as well as C++ or C#).
How NOT to do a programming assignment - This is a humorous link that every first year CS student should read because you WILL find yourself tempted to do these things.