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This page contains a number of links that you might find helpful during the course of the semester. I will be updating this page over the course of the semester. If you find anything that you think might be of interest to the class e-mail me a link and I will put it up here if it is appropriate.
Class Links
Project Description - This is the general description of the course project. It links to more detailed descriptions of exactly what you need to do for each assignment during the semester.
From C to Java - This is a short introduction to Java that I wrote. If you find any typos or errors, please let me know. You should read this during the first week or two of class.
Eclipse - This is the IDE that we will be working in. It is Open Source and completely free to download and install. In the downloads, the most self-explanitory place to pull from is the main Eclipse download site at the bottom of the download page. It will have you download a zip file that you just expand in the location you want to install it.
EclipseUML - This is a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to do UML diagrams. They have a free version, but it has limited functionality.
In class code - This links to the project directory that I do the in class coding in so you can see what we have been working on.
Practice problems - These are some problems that you could use to practice concepts that we are doing in class. We'll probably pull from them some during class time.
Java Links
Sun's Java Site - This has all types of things related to Java in it. I have many links directly to other parts of this site.
Java 1.6 download - Download a new version for the computer you are working on. You don't need to get the NetBeans version because you will be using Eclipse as your IDE.
Java 1.6 API Documentation - This is a remarkably helpful link because it gives you quick access to the entire API. You can quickly navigate between any of the libraries in Java.
Java Tutorial - This actually links to a page with many different tutorials on many different parts of Java. It's not as comprehensive as the API, but it often does a better job of linking between different classes and packages to show you how to use things and what really works.
Java Developer Connection - This is something that you might consider signing up for. It gives you access to a lot more at the Sun Java site. Included in that are a lot of different tutorials that you can't get to without it.
javadoc Documentation - Pages discussing how to write comments for and use javadoc. In particular you might want to look at this page on Documentation Comments.
Java Ranch - A site that was originally aimed at helping people with Java certification but which has grown a bit since then.
Java Without an IDE - This page was written by Dr. Massingill to give instruction on how you can do your Java work from the command line.
O'Reilly's ONJava - Another site on Java that inevitably goes WAY beyond this course, but you might find some good information there and can certainly use it as a reference later on.
RoboCode - This is a site at IBM where they let you write Java code to control robot tanks that battle one another.
Code Ruler - This is another IBM site where you get to write the AI for a game. This this case, the game is more of a simulation/strategy game.
JSourcery - This is a rather cool site that shows you the code behind a bunch of open source Java projects. You can browse the javadocs for the project and click on link that that you directly to the source code.
Java Cheat Sheet - This site gives you a quick reference on Java syntax.
Sorting Demonstration - This page contains an applet that will demonstrate quite a few different soring algorithms. It also has the code for those algorithms.
Another Sorting Demonstration - This has a different applet showing sort algorithms.
General Links
TopCoder - This site has weekly programming competitions where you can compete in Java (as well as C++ or C#).
How NOT to do a programming assignment - This is a humorous link that every first year CS student should read because you WILL find yourself tempted to do these things.