Project Description - This has the full description of the project and links to all the individual assignments.
Group Assignments
Assignment Submission Help
Cygwin - This is Linux like shell for Windows. The install for it can also put the GNU compilers on your system. Make sure you select them when you do the install though.
Eclipse - This IDE has been developed mostly for Java but they are creating an addition that will also enable you to work in C++. If you run Eclipse from the Cygwin command line it will make compiling C++ code much easier.
Eclipse UML - This is a plug-in for Eclipse that will do UML diagrams of Java projects (they don't have that capability to do C++ projects yet, I've also found this to be a bit unstable).
Together - You should know this program from last year. I haven't figured out how to get it to create .cpp files yet, but it will make UML from the .h files. You'll have to contact me to get a license file.
Doxygen - This is the main page for the Doxygen documentation generator that you can use for C++ and Java (though you can also use javadoc for Java). When you start, you will run "doxygen -g docConfig.txt". (The last part is a file name you can pick.) You then edit that file. Most of the defaults will work. I recommend that you set JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF to YES so that you can use the style of documentation comments you are used to.
Xerces - If you choose to use XML for communicating between Java and C++ then you should probably use the Xerces XML parser. I'll be putting up a page to give you pointers on how to do this.
C++ References:
Stroustrup's Reference Page Reference Tutorial
C++ 4 U
wustl Tutorial
Quick Reference
Another Reference Page
SGI STL Reference
C/C++ Users Journal - A publication with advanced techniques.
Dr. Dobb's Journal - Another publication with advanced programming techniques.
C++ Style Sweet Spot - An interview with Stroustrup.
Java Sites and References:
Sun's Java Site - This has all types of things related to Java in it. I have many links directly to other parts of this site.
Java 1.4 download - Download a new version for the computer you are working on.
Java 1.4 API Documentation - This is a remarkably helpful link because it gives you quick access to the entire API. You can quickly navigate between any of the libraries in Java.
Java Tutorial - This actually links to a page with many different tutorials on many different parts of Java. It's not as comprehensive as the API, but it often does a better job of linking between different classes and packages to show you how to use things and what really works.
Java Developer Connection - This is something that you might consider signing up for. It gives you access to a lot more at the Sun Java site. Included in that are a lot of different tutorials that you can't get to without it.
javadoc Documentation - Pages discussing how to write comments for and use javadoc. In particular you might want to look at this page on Documentation Comments.Java Ranch - A site that was originally aimed at helping people with Java certification but which has grown a bit since then.
Java Help in Canberra - Various help pages for Java. This includes some for building GUIs.
Java Without an IDE - This page was written by Dr. Massingill to give instruction on how you can do your Java work from the command line.
O'Reilly's ONJava - Another site on Java that inevitably goes WAY beyond this course, but you might find some good information there and can certainly use it as a reference later on.
RoboCode - This is a site at IBM where they let you write Java code to control robot tanks that battle one another.