This is a list of the topics that we will tentatively be discussing each day of the semester. I will add links from each one to the slides that I use during the lecture. Those should be present the night before the lecture at the latest. Also listed are the readings for each day and what is due on those days.
Date | Topic | Reading | Due |
8-24 | Introduction to Class | ||
8-29 | Terminology | FRS 1-3 | |
8-31 | Students | Web 1-3 | |
9-5 | Labor Day | ||
9-7 | Test-Driven Development | FRS 4-5 | |
9-12 | Students | Web 4 | |
9-14 | Build Management & Strategy | FRS 6-7 | Quiz #1 |
9-19 | Students | Web 5-6 | |
9-21 | Refactoring, Patterns, Coupling | FRS 8-10 | |
9-26 | Students | Web 7 | |
9-28 | State & Test Stubs | FRS 11-12 | Quiz #2 |
10-3 | Students | Web 8 | |
10-5 | Abstract Factory & Fragility | FRS 13-14 | |
10-10 | Students | Web 9 | |
10-12 | Compositional Design | FRS 15-18 | Quiz #3 |
10-17 | Students | Web 10-11 | |
10-19 | Facade, Decorator, Adapter, Builder | FRS 19-22 | |
10-24 | Students | Web 12 | |
10-26 | Command, Iterator, Proxy, Composite | FRS 23-26 | Quiz #4 |
10-31 | Students | Web 13-14 | |
11-2 | Null Object, Observer, MVC | FRS 27-29 | |
11-7 | Students | Web 15 | |
11-9 | Frameworks | FRS 30-32 | Quiz #5 |
11-14 | Students | Web 16-17 | |
11-16 | Configuration Management & Systematic Testing | FRS 33-34 | |
11-21 | Group Work | ||
11-23 | Thanksgiving Break | ||
11-28 | Projects | FRS 35-36 | Quiz #6 |
11-30 | Students | Web 18+ | |
12-5 | Conclusions | |
Final Presentation |