Directory | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 124 (100.0%) | 10176 (100.0%) | 82.0 |
EffectiveOO-F07/src/eoop07/weather/ | 54 (43.5%) | 8604 (84.6%) | 159.3 |
EffectiveOO-F07/src/eoop07/marchingCubes/ | 51 (41.1%) | 1405 (13.8%) | 27.5 |
EffectiveOO-F07/src/marchingCubes/ | 18 (14.5%) | 165 (1.6%) | 9.1 |
EffectiveOO-F07/src/eoop07/scripting/ | 1 (0.8%) | 2 (0.0%) | 2.0 |
Created a new set of clouds based on simple agents. Responds to changes in the weather forecast, follows the player, and takes care of creating and destroying cloud puffs.
361 lines of code changed in:
Added support in the weather interpreter for hell mode on clouds.
2 lines of code changed in:
Added code to multi-thread the creation of clouds. Updated marching cubes to run faster, included a cloud manager to manage updating and animating clouds.
372 lines of code changed in:
Update marching cubes to work more efficiently by eliminating the Vector3 class. Began writing the interface for coordinate all weather phenomena.
252 lines of code changed in:
Fixed perlin noise to have a falloff. Updated clouds to properly implement world object functions.
192 lines of code changed in:
Simple shading to clouds.
22 lines of code changed in:
Added LamdaPlayer. Small tests with clouds.
3759 lines of code changed in:
First working version of marching cubes algorithm.
129 lines of code changed in:
Removed extraneous classes in marching Cubes algorithm implementation.
Completed client interface for creating volumetric data representations. A client will use a 'DensityFieldCreator' as a function argument (Strategy design) to a 'VoxelArray' in order to represent how weights are drawn into a 3D grid of vertices.
VoxelArray provides access to single voxels, but only for the purpose of getting a set of triangles representing the iso-surface passing through them.
371 lines of code changed in:
Framework for general voxel rendering being created. Support for volumetric objects besides clouds in the near future.
553 lines of code changed in:
*** empty log message ***
0 lines of code changed in:
Added lambda player as a test of importing models. This model came from the Half-Life 2 SDK (human_SDK -> Male_SDK).
It shouldn't count towards my total line count, because that would be completely unfair.
3762 lines of code changed in:
More formatting/renaming
4 lines of code changed in:
Formatting updates: new class names for perlin noise and the discrete volume representing a cloud. Also reformatted the lookup table in the marching cubes algorithm to not take up so many lines.
64 lines of code changed in:
*** empty log message ***
97 lines of code changed in:
Small edits to MCCube to start compatibility with GraphicRep
28 lines of code changed in:
GPL'd Marching Cubes algorithm, auxilary classes
153 lines of code changed in:
Sample rendered, noise class from Ken Perlin
55 lines of code changed in: