The Interface

Relevant to Blender v2.31

The functions of Yable have been divided in three main screens, accessible by pressing the three upper buttons that you can see in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Yable header Buttons.

Workflow phylosopy.

Once we have created a Blender scene, with objects, materials and lights, we can load and start the script, possibly splitting the main 3D Viewport in two, and turning one of the two halves into a Text Window. This way we will be able to see at the same time the scene and Yable GUI.

The Yable Workflow is as follows:

Global Settings

This part of the GUI allows to access the functions of general scene settings Figure 3.

Figure 3. Yable headerGeneral Setting Buttons.

Material Setting

The second GUI panel contains the Material Setting. Here it is possible to assign to every object the material that will be used in the YafRay rendering. The Materials assigned with Yable and Blender materials are two different things: the script draws from the scene only some values, like the UV coordinates and the diffuse color. This latter only upon request of the user. The rest is all independent; from this point of view Yable is a sort of laboratory: it not only exports passively the scene, but it allows us to study and to apply new materials.

Once an object is selected we must press the Get Selected Button: new buttons will appear; containing YafRay settings if the Object already has them, or empty otherwise(Figure 12).

Figure 12. Material Buttons.

Light Settings

The lights setting in Yable is made with the same modality of the materials assignation: a light is selected in Blender, Get Selected is pressed and the characteristics that we want to to export in YafRay are chosen and assigned definitively with Assign.

The type of light used in the scene of Blender do not have any relationship with the type of light that will be exported: the only parameters that will be surely conserved are the coordinates of the position of the lamp; all the rest, included the pointing direction can be assigned independently with Yable. In Figure 14 we have represented a point light with the buttons Diffuse and Caustic activated, so to have an example that include the greater part of the available options.

Figure 14. Light GUI Panel.