Wes Lavin's 2017 Summer Part 2
--- Sugar Hill Festival
Bob Jensen at
Trinity University
My friend Wes Lavin is a better
photographer than me.
Firstly, he has better equipment than me.
Secondly he travels all over New England just to take pictures in different
Most of my photographs are closer to home, and I'm not really into photography
Wes is into photography as a retired school teacher
These are some of the many photographs that Wes took
early on in the Summer 2017 season
These photographs were taken during the Sugar Hill Lupine Festival of 2017
Sugar Hill's "downtown" only has one store
It's called Harmon's Country Store
Beside this store is the Sugar Hill Post Office
Even though it's only open five hours per week we're lucky to still have a post
The Sugar Hill Lupine Festival of 2017 took place
too early in June
The lupines had not yet blossomed
Besides the Festival takes place in downtown Sugar Hill
Which is almost two miles from the lupine fields
There was a team of beautiful Belgian horses that
didn't really go anywhere
But it was worth the price of the ride (zero)
And there were little tents set up between the Post
Office and the Sugar Hill Town Hall and Museum
The town hall is called the Crapo Memorial Town Hall (I'm serious)
In spite of being too early for lupine blooms
Sugar Hill had a cute little village festival to celebrate our lupine
The daily highlight year around of course is Harmon's Country Store
And the village museum is open Friday and Saturday
afternoons all summer long ---
And there were beautiful lupine fields in June of
It was, however, a cold and rainy June that made them bloom later than our
little Festival of celebrating their honor
These are a few pictures Wes took later in June of my wild flower field with the "split" maple tree
Our cottage is about two miles from the where the Sugar Hill Festivals are held
In a subsequent edition of Tidbits I will feature some of Wes Lavin's artistic photographs of our lupine.
Wes Lavin travels about northern New England taking
pictures of farms, fields, mountains, animals, country fairs, and festivals. One
of his favorites settings is the Sturbridge Country Fair in Vermont ---
That's more of an event than the Sugar Hill Lupine Festival, but here in Sugar
Hill we don't want to attract too much attention or too many tourists
Wes Lavin's Pictures at Bob Jensen's Websites
Wes Lavin's 2016 Autumn Foliage Part 1
http://cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2016Sept/2016FoliagePart1.htmWes Lavin's Autumn Foliage Photographs: Part 2
http://cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2016Oct/2016FoliagePart2.htmWes Lavin's Photographs From a Country Fair---
http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/TurbridgeFair/2016TurbridgeCountryFair.htmSome of Wes Lavin's June 2016 Photographs ---
http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2016June/2016JuneLavin.htmWes Lavin's Panoramic Pictures of Bob Jensen's Flower Gardens in 2015
http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2015June/Set02Panoramic/2015Panorama.htmWes Lavin's Winter Pictures (Set 01) ---
http://cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2017Winter/2017Winter.htmSet 1 of Wes Lavin's 2017 Summer Pictures
These are some of my photographs of the Robert Frost
In Summer of 2017 the nearby town of Franconia (founded in 1674) is celebrating
the 40th year of the Frost Museum (where Robert Frost once lived and wrote
poetry for about five years)
Robert Frost Museum Down the Road from Our Cottage (two miles) ---
These are some of my lupine photographs over the years
Lupine Favorites
Set 1 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lupine/Set01/LupineSet01.htm
Set 2 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lupine/Set02/LupineSet02.htm
Set 3 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lupine/Set03/LupineSet03.htm
Set 4 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lupine/Set04/LupineSet04.htm
More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and
Blogs of White
Mountain Hikers (many great photographs) ---
White Mountain News --- http://www.whitemtnews.com/
On May 14,
2006 I retired from
Trinity University after a long and
wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was
generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My
wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---
Bob Jensen's Blogs
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New
Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called
Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud
Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures
address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with
New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's
Green Mountains to the West
Bob Jensen's Threads --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/threads.htm
Bob Jensen's Home Page --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/