Wes Lavin Shows Us How to Have Fun in Mountain
Winters (Part 2) --
Bob Jensen at
Trinity University
I love the photographs of Wes Lavin
My friend Wes Lavin is a better
photographer than me.
Firstly, he has better equipment than me.
Secondly he travels all over New England just to take pictures in different
Most of my photographs are closer to home, and I'm not really into photography
Wes in into photography as a retired school teacher
Below I feature Part 2 of his winter photographs
Some of the pictures were taken in early 2020
However, since the 2020 pandemic has cancelled our maple sugaring festivals I
some of Wes's earlier photographs of those festivals in better years
Below is the old fashioned way of collecting maple sap that
commences to run in April
The buckets have to be emptied into container tanks on sleds often hauled by
horses or mules or tractors
The more modern way connects long hoses directly to the trees rather than
A relatively small amount of maple syrup is then boiled off a whole lot of sap
Bob Jensen's Snow Favorites
Set 01 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/tidbits/Snow/Set01/SnowFavoritesSet01.htm
Set 02 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/tidbits/Snow/Set02/SnowFavoritesSet02.htm
Set 03 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set03/SnowSet03.htm
Set 04 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set04/SnowSet04.htm
Set 05 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set05/SnowSet05.htm
Set 06 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set06/SnowSet06.htm
Set 07 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set07/SnowSet07.htm
Set 08 --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set08/SnowSet08.htm
Set 09 (my little red fox) --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set09/SnowSet09.htm
Set 10 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set09/SnowSet10.htm
Set 11 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set11/SnowSet11.htm
Set 12 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set12/SnowSet12.htm
Set 13 --- http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Snow/Set13/SnowSet13.htm
Wes Lavin Shows Us How to Have Fun in Mountain Winters (Part 1) ---
http://cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2020-2/Part01.htmWes Lavin Shows Us How to Have Fun in Mountain Winters (Part 2) ---
http://cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Lavin/2020-2/Part02.htmSet 01 of Dorothy's Winter Wonderland Hikes ---
http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Dorothy/Set01/Set01.htmSet 02 of Dorothy's Winter Wonderland Hikes ---
http://www.cs.trinity.edu/rjensen/Tidbits/Dorothy/Set02/Set02.htmMemorial Day 2013 destructive snow that could've been worse after the trees leafed out
http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/tidbits/Snow/2013MemorialDay/2013ZMemorialDaySnow.htmWinter Sports/Activities Favorites Set 01
Bob Jensen's Blogs
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New
Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called
Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud
Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures
address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with
New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's
Green Mountains to the West
Bob Jensen's Threads --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/threads.htm
Bob Jensen's Home Page --- http://faculty.trinity.edu/rjensen/