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Advanced Network Configurations: Dell™ TrueMobile™ 1150 Series AP1000 User's Guide

Introduction Restoring a backup Configuration
Advanced Parameters Dual PC Card Configuration
Configuring Large Networks About IP addresses and Subnets
Modifying the Configuration


To configure your TrueMobile network beyond the basic configuration a number of advanced aspect will be discussed:

Advanced Parameters

You may wish to explore the "Advanced Parameters" options as supported by your TrueMobile access points, especially when administering larger TrueMobile networks that encompass more than 10 access points.

Advanced parameter options include:

For most networks, the default settings for the advanced parameters will provide more than reliable network connectivity. You are advised to change these parameters only when you are familiar to the type of parameters, for example based upon your experience and expertise with similar parameters in wired and/or TrueMobile networking environments.

NOTE: A number of the advanced parameters described below may be marked as "common" parameters. This means that they should be the same for all TrueMobile access points in your network (see also "Configuring Large Networks").

To set the advanced parameters, simply follow the instructions as described in the previous section, "Configuring Infrastructure Networks", to connect to the access point that you wish to configure.

Advanced TrueMobile Parameters

If you created a basic access point configuration, as described in the previous section, you may have already noticed the additional buttons in the TrueMobile setup window, as pictured in the "AP Manager Wireless Interfaces tab" figure.


The Frequency setup menu gives you the ability to select an operating frequency from a range of sub-channels within the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The number of selectable channels is determined by the radio regulations that apply in your country.

Click the Advanced button on the Wireless Interfaces tab of the edit mode to change the frequency parameters.

To optimize network traffic, we recommend that you assign different operating frequencies to TrueMobile access points that service neighboring wireless cells. Doing so, stations in each of the cells will be able to use the maximum bandwidth available to their cell.

Wireless stations equipped with TrueMobile PC Cards can dynamically change the operating channel when roaming between access points that operate at different sub-channels. This feature is unique to WaveLAN IEEE 802.11 cards. Legacy WaveLAN products can only roam in single channel configurations.

RTS/CTS Medium Reservation

RTS/CTS medium reservation may provide a solution for networks where:

However in most networking environments it is very unlikely that you will need to enable RTS/CTS medium reservation on the access point to prevent collisions. You are advised to read the information about "Optimizing Wired Connections" prior to changing this setting for the TrueMobile access point.

To enable RTS/CTS medium reservation click the Advanced button on the Wireless Interfaces tab.

Interference Robustness

The Interference Robustness can be activated in exceptional cases when troubleshooting slow performance of your TrueMobile network that could be related to in-band interference from e.g. microwave ovens. Interference will usually show a poor Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) that is based upon a good signal level and a high noise level. This behavior is often perceived when:

To enable Interference Robustness click the Advanced button on the Wireless Interfaces tab in the edit mode to display the Advanced Setup window, then select the option Interference Robustness.

Distance Between APs

In networking environments where you have either data intensive users, or a large number of users in a small area, you may wish to consider increasing the number of TrueMobile access points (making the distance between access points smaller), and then adjusting the Distance Between APs parameter to optimize the load balance of the number of wireless stations per access point.

To change the Distance Between APs parameter display the Wireless Interfaces tab in the edit mode and click the Advanced button. In the field Distance Between APs choose one of the three density options:

The default setting Large, provides a maximum wireless coverage with a minimum number of access points. This option which is typically used for single-cell networks, but will also provide an efficient and cost effective solution for most networks that include multiple wireless cells.

NOTICE: The setting for distance between access points must be the same for all TrueMobile equipped devices in your wireless network. A mismatch in the configuration setting for this parameter may have unpredictable performance results for wireless (mobile) stations in your network.

Medium distance between access points can be selected for environments where TrueMobile stations experience slow network response times even though the quality of radio communications is rated as excellent. The slow response times might be experienced in areas where:

You should only select Small distance between access points when you are designing a wireless infrastructure that will include a high concentration of TrueMobile access points: i.e. the total cost of hardware investments is less critical than the maximum data throughput per cell.

NOTE: The settings Medium or Small distance between access points require a excellent quality of radio communications throughout the entire wireless coverage area. In environments where the actual placement of TrueMobile access points was designed to obtain maximum wireless coverage with a minimum number of access points, changing the distance between access points from Large to Medium or Small will not yield better results. Adversely, doing so might seriously affect the roaming performance of your wireless stations, risking network communication errors caused by "out-of-range" situations.

If you consider using the option Medium or Small distance between access points to create a high performance network, you are advised to read the "Frequency Channel Management" as well.

For more information about access point density, please consult "Optimizing Performance".

Multicast Rate

The Multicast Rate identifies the preferred transmission speed for your TrueMobile access point broadcast traffic as forwarded by the access point. Where transmissions at lower data rates are usually more reliable, you may prefer higher throughput performance over greater coverage for your wireless radio signal.

For more information about multicast rate refer to the help-file of the AP Manager program.

Bridge Parameters

One of the ways to optimize the performance of your wireless networks is to prevent "redundant" traffic from being transmitted over the wireless network. Redundant traffic may include:

Filtering redundant traffic will save the bandwidth of the wireless medium for the wireless stations, optimizing throughput efficiency for these stations.

Optimizing wireless performance via the Bridge tab can be achieved in the following ways:

NOTICE: The Bridge parameter settings are typical "common" parameters, i.e. the Bridge parameter settings should be the same for all TrueMobile access points.

Bridge Tab in the Edit Mode

To set the Bridge parameters, connect to the access point and select the Bridge tab to display the bridge parameters as pictured in the "Bridge Tab in the Edit Mode" figure.

Protocol Filtering

The filtered protocols are listed in the top section of the Bridge tab. The factory-set default of the TrueMobile access point is <None> which will allow all protocols to be transmitted to the wireless medium. This is the recommended setting when you do not require specific protocols to be filtered.

To filter specific protocols, proceed as follows:

  1. Determine the minimum set of protocols that must be bridged.

  2. Click the Edit button to display the Filter Ethernet Protocols window pictured in the "Select Ethernet Protocols to be Filtered" figure.

Select Ethernet Protocols to be Filtered

  1. Place a check mark in the check box of each protocol that does not need to be transmitted to the wireless medium.

To stop filtering a specific protocol, clear the check box.

  1. (Optional) To add a non-listed protocol to the list, click the Custom button to enter the protocol manually.

  2. When finished click OK to return to the Bridge tab as pictured in the "Bridge Tab in the Edit Mode" figure.

All of the protocols that you have selected, and/or all of the custom protocols that you have added manually, will be listed in the Protocols to Filter field.

  1. You can now select one of the other Bridge parameter options, change other parameters or click OK to save your changes and return to the main TrueMobile AP Manager window.

Static MAC Address Filter

To filter out traffic exchanged between stations that is not required to be sent or received via the wireless interface, you can set the Static MAC address Filter in the bottom section of the Bridge tab. The default value, <None> will be acceptable for most networking environments (see the "Bridge Tab in the Edit Mode" figure).

You can use the MAC filtering option for example to filter broadcast or multicast messages exchanged between wired servers that can receive each others messages also via the wired network.

To filter out traffic between such devices add the MAC addresses of both devices as a pair in the Static MAC address Filter list.

The way the filter works is that when one of the listed stations sends a message to a MAC address that has been identified as a pair, the TrueMobile access point will not forward it via the wireless station. All traffic that one of the stations wishes to send to any other (non-paired) MAC address will be forwarded.

For more information about static MAC address filtering, please refer to "Optimizing Performance".

Spanning Tree

The Spanning Tree button allows you to set parameters that are used in determining the optimum path for network traffic to travel.

You can use spanning tree in a network that has been designed to include loops, such as a redundant wired link used as a backup to the main wireless link.

Spanning Tree Setup window

To enable spanning tree:

  1. Click the Spanning Tree button to open the Spanning Tree Setup window (see the "Spanning Tree Setup window" figure).

  2. Click the Enable Spanning Tree check box;

  3. Use default values (see the "Spanning Tree Setup window" figure);

  4. Click OK to return to the Bridge tab.

  5. Click OK again if you want to save this configuration and return to the main TrueMobile AP Manager window. Otherwise continue changing other parameters.

At this point, we recommend that you create a backup file, as described in "Step 4 - Create a Backup of the Configuration".

Storm Threshold

The Storm Thresholds button allows you to set parameters that are used in protecting the network against message overload as received from a single station or via a specific port.

The Storm Thresholds window allows you to determine the maximum number of multicast and broadcast messages that will be forwarded from one port (or address) per second.

Storm Thresholds Protection Disabled

The factory-set configuration for storm threshold protection is disabled (all values are set to zero).

  1. If you need storm threshold protection, and are unsure of the proper broadcast and multicast values to input, click the Preset button for values that will provide adequate levels for most networking environments.

  2. Click OK to keep these settings and return to the Bridge tab.

Click OK again if you want to save this configuration and return to the main TrueMobile AP Manager window. Otherwise continue changing other parameters.

Access point IP Parameters

The access point IP tab enables you to set the common IP parameters and to change the unique IP address of your TrueMobile access points.

To change the IP parameters proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure you are connected to the right access point in the edit mode and select the Access Point IP tab to display the IP parameters (see the "Setup access point IP Parameters").

  2. Verify and/or modify the parameters of your choice.

The mandatory parameters that you must specify are:

All parameters are explained in the next paragraphs.

  1. When finished, proceed with configuring other parameters or click OK to save the configuration and return to the main TrueMobile AP Manager window.

Setup access point IP Parameters

IP address

Each access point needs an unique IP address. Use either:

NOTE: All TrueMobile access points must have a unique IP address value to allow you to address each access point specifically. Duplicate IP address values may cause unexpected behavior of the network and/or negative impact on network performance.
Manually assign an IP address

In case of manually assigning an IP address, use the field access point IP Address to enter a value from the range of IP addresses assigned to your organization.

The IP address is primarily used to address this TrueMobile access point when you use the TrueMobile AP Manager program to configure and/or monitor this device.

When your organization does not use IP addressing, you can enter a user-defined value. For example a value of the same pattern as the factory-set IP address, where you replace the last three digits with a numerical value in the range of "1" to "253".

Automatically assign an IP address

In case when a DHCP server is available on the network, an IP address will be automatically assigned to the access point by the DHCP server. To enable automatically obtaining an IP address form the DHCP server, select the field Obtain an IP address from DHCP server on the access point IP tab.

For more information about DHCP refer to "BOOTP and DHCP".

Subnet Mask

The field access point Subnet Mask is a common parameter and must be the same for ALL network devices within your IP subnet.

You can use either the default value ( or change the subnet mask to a value that applies in your network.

If Obtain an IP address from DHCP server is enabled, the subnet is also automatically entered.

Default Router

The field Default Router IP is an optional field that is relevant when you intend to use the TrueMobile access point support for TRAP messages (see also "SNMP Parameters").

You can use the Default Router IP field to identify the IP address of the router which the TrueMobile access point will use to find the Trap Host IP Address (identified in the SNMP Parameters).

The default router and the trap host IP address described later in this section are only used for TRAP messages generated by the access point upon a reset, modification of the configuration, or forced reload procedure.

If the value of the field Default Router IP is set to (default), then no TRAP messages are initiated by this access point.

The Default Router is also relevant if you want to manage (or just ping) the access point from an other subnet.

Time To Live (TTL)

The field Default TTL (Time To Live) identifies the maximum number of hops for an IP message generated by the TrueMobile access point (typically used for the trap host messages).

The value will be decreased each time the message passes a router. When the TTL value becomes 0, the message will be rejected by the next router it meets. By default, the value is 64.

SNMP Parameters

Most SNMP parameters (except for the System Location and System Name) are common parameters, i.e. they should be the same for ALL TrueMobile access points in your network.

To set the SNMP parameters proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure you are connected to the right access point and select the SNMP tab to display the SNMP parameters pictured in the "Setup SNMP parameters" figure.

Setup SNMP parameters

  1. Verify and/or modify the parameters of your choice.

The recommended parameters that you should specify are:

These and all other SNMP parameters are explained in the following paragraphs.

  1. When finished, proceed with configuring other parameters or click OK to save the configuration and return to the main AP Manager window.

Read Password

Change the Read Password parameter in order to prevent unauthorized access to the TrueMobile access points.

A read password is requested when you connect to access points with the Monitor option. The default value is "public".

With the correct read password, a local LAN administrator can only monitor access point statistics and tables, but not view or change any of the parameters.

Read/Write Password

Change the Read/Write Password parameter in order to prevent unauthorized access to the TrueMobile access points to make changes to its configuration settings.

A read/write password is requested when using the Edit button to connect to the access point. The default value is "public".

With the correct read/write password, a network supervisor can monitor access point statistics and view or change any of the parameters of the configuration. Using different values for the Read and Read/Write Password parameters you can create different levels of authority for your LAN Administrators to configure and/or monitor the access points.

System Contact

Use the field System Contact to enter a generic name for the network supervisor or department, (e.g. "Your LAN Administrator" as pictured in the "Setup SNMP parameters" figure).

System Name

Use the field System Name field to enter a generic logical location of the TrueMobile access point, (e.g. "Incoming Goods Department" as in the "Setup SNMP parameters" figure).

System Location

Use the field System Location to enter a generic physical location of the TrueMobile access point, (e.g. access point floor 1N as in the "Setup SNMP parameters" figure).

Trap Host IP Address

If you plan to use the trap alert system as described on "Trap Host Alerts", you can use the Trap Host IP Address field to enter the address of the network management station that should collect the SNMP trap messages. If you do not intend to use trap host alerts, the value is set to "Don't care".

For more detailed information about trap host messages, see "Trap Host Alerts".

Trap Host Password

Use the Trap Host Password field to enter a password that will be included in the SNMP trap messages. You can use this password at the trap host station to filter out trap messages that may have been sent to the trap host station erroneously.

SNMP IP Access List

You can use the SNMP IP Access List to create an extra level of security in addition to the read an read/write passwords. This will allow you to authorize a limited number of LAN administrator stations to view and/or modify the configuration of the TrueMobile access points, based upon the IP address of these stations.

The field SNMP IP Access List should typically include the IP address of all LAN administrator stations that will use the AP Manager to configure and/or monitor your access points.

To authorize the LAN administrator station you must enter:

To indicate the interface, use either:

Alternatively you can use the value "x" to allow the identified IP address to access the access point via any of the available interfaces.

To allow multiple LAN administrator stations to access the TrueMobile access point configuration and/or monitor parameters, you can also assign a range of IP addresses. Doing so, enter a subnet mask value that will indicate the subnet from which all stations are authorized to modify the SNMP setup.

Ethernet Interface

Subject to the type of interface offered by your access point, you can select one of the options (see the "Select Ethernet Interface" figure).

Select Ethernet Interface

For more information about selecting the Ethernet Interface refer to the help-file of the AP Manager program.

Configuring Large Networks

Each TrueMobile access point configuration is characterized by two types of parameters:

In larger networking organizations, it may become quite cumbersome to copy the common parameters to each of the access points in the network in order to provide consistency throughout the entire network. As the number of access points increases, the risk of errors (e.g. as a result of typos) may increase as well.

Inconsistent values for common parameters, or duplicate values for the unique parameters may have unpredictable effects on the performance of your network. Document the configuration settings of your network in detail to avoid configuration mismatches.

Therefore, we recommend that you create a template file that contains all of the common parameter settings that apply to every TrueMobile access point within the network.

Common Parameters

Common parameters, such as the TrueMobile network name or SNMP Read/Write Password, are used to identify which access points belong to the same network environment. They differentiate your group of access points from other (neighboring) network environments.

A list of common parameters is shown in the "Common access point Parameters" table below, together with the TrueMobile AP Manager tabs where you can view or modify the parameters.

Common access point Parameters

Parameter AP Manager tab
  • TrueMobile Network Name

Wireless Interfaces

  • Protocols to Filter


  • MAC Filtering

  • Access point Subnet Mask

Access Point IP

  • Default Router IP

  • Default TTL

  • Read Password

  • Read/Write Password

  • SNMP IP Access List

  • (optional) Trap Host IP Address and Password


Unique Parameters

Unique parameters such as the IP Address or System Name, are used to differentiate a single access point from the group of access points that are operated within your network. The most important unique parameters are listed in the "Unique access point Parameters" table.

Unique access point Parameters

Parameter TrueMobile AP Manager Setup Menu
  • Access Point IP Address

Access Point IP

  • System Name


  • System Location

Managing Configuration Consistency

The most convenient way to manage the configuration of a large number of TrueMobile access points is to configure the first access point and save its configuration to file. Use this file as a template that you can upload to the other access points.

After loading the template file on each TrueMobile access point, you will modify the parameters identified as the unique parameters, to differentiate the access point from the other access points in this network.

In other words, the easiest way to manage a large number of access points is as follows:

  1. Preparation
    Identify and record all information related to each of the access points to be configured.

  2. Creating a template file
    Identify and set the common parameters that should apply to all access points within your network.

  3. Configuring all access points
    Import the template file and modify all the unique identifiers to differentiate the TrueMobile access point from the other access points.
NOTICE: We recommend that you create a backup file for each unique TrueMobile access point configuration, using the Download Config File item from the access point menu in the main TrueMobile AP Manager window. Use a file name that allows you to easily recognize the relationship between a file name and the specific access point.

Preparing Large-Scale Networks

To prepare the configuration, you need to carry out the following activities:

Creating a Template File

  1. To create a template file, configure the first TrueMobile access point as described earlier under "Configuring Infrastructure Networks".

  2. Save the configuration of this access point to disk as described in "Step 4 - Create a Backup of the Configuration".

  3. Create a copy of the backup file with the name "common.cnf" or any other name that will allow you to easily recognize the file as the actual template file that we will use as the basis to configure the other access points in your network.
NOTICE: Do not start using your original backup file as template file. Any changes you make to the file might impair your ability to fully restore the original configuration of your first access point, if the unit goes out of service. Always store backup copies on a separate disk and/or location.

Configuring other access points

Having created the template file, we can now start (re-)configuring the other TrueMobile access points in batch-mode. For each access point, the procedure will be as follows:

The detailed procedure is as follows:

  1. Start the TrueMobile AP Manager program.

  2. Select the target access point from the list or enter a specific access point IP address. If the target access point is not displayed in the list, choose Refresh access point List from the access point menu.

If the selected access point is still using the factory-set IP address, for example when you are configuring a new "out-of-the-box" access point, you will be prompted to change the default IP address as described earlier in this section on Step 2 - Connecting to the access point.

  1. When asked navigate to the disk and/or folder where you stored the template file.

  2. Select the template configuration file (e.g common.cnf) and click the Open button.
NOTICE: The IP address that was displayed in the list in the main TrueMobile AP Manager window has been overwritten with the IP address which was specified in the template file. Follow the procedures described below to change it to the desired IP address value. Failing to do so may lead to multiple TrueMobile access points being configured with the same IP address, resulting in unpredictable network behavior.

The TrueMobile AP Manager program has now loaded the settings as identified in the template file. Now you must change all the parameters that should be unique to this access point (see "Unique Parameters") prior to saving the configuration and returning to the main TrueMobile access point window by clicking OK.

  1. Set the unique parameters that apply to this access point.

The minimum set of unique parameters that you must set are listed in the "Unique access point Parameters" table.

  1. Now save the configuration to the access point, by clicking the OK button. You return to the main TrueMobile access point window.

  2. Create a backup file of the configuration for this access point, using the Download Config File command from the access point menu.

Use a file name that allows you to easily recognize the relationship between the file name and this access point.

The entire set of common and unique parameters are now saved permanently into the (non-volatile) FlashROM of the TrueMobile access point. They will remain stored in the access point, even if the access point is reset or switched off and on again.

Repeat step 2 - 7 for every other access point that you wish to configure.

Completing the Installation

When you configured the TrueMobile access points at your desk, i.e. the access points were not yet installed into their intended location, label each access point with clear instructions for your installation technicians.

  1. Record the intended location of the access point on a label and attach the label to the access point.

  2. Record the name of the file with the access point's configuration data and the location where you will install the access point on the "access point Configuration Record".

  3. When finished, store the backup files (*.cnf), your template file (common.cnf) and your "access point Configuration Record" in a safe place.

Modifying the Configuration

You can modify the TrueMobile access point configuration parameters using the Edit button from the main TrueMobile AP Manager window.

Keep in mind that you will need to address the access point using its new IP address and the new read/write password (if you changed the Read/Write Password parameter) to open the configuration file. If your TrueMobile management station is a wireless station, you may need to modify the station's TrueMobile interface parameters to match the values that were originally stored in the TrueMobile access point.

Alternatively, if you have forgotten the read/write password, or any other setting required to access the access point, you may need to perform a forced reload, as described in "Forced Reload Procedure".

NOTE: When you make changes to the configuration of a particular access point, you should update the "access point Configuration Record" to reflect these changes.

Changing Common Parameters

If you need to make changes to the common parameters, i.e. the parameters that apply to all TrueMobile access points, the most efficient way to do so is as follows:

  1. Change the common parameters for one access point.

  2. Save the changes to a new template file (e.g. "common.cnf")

  3. Follow the procedure as described in "Configuring other access points".

Restoring a backup Configuration

To restore previously saved backup configuration files to your TrueMobile access point proceed as follows:

  1. Start the AP Manager program.

  2. Select the access point you want to upload the configuration file to.

  3. From the access point menu select Upload Config File.

  4. Select the configuration file you want to upload, and click Open.

  5. When prompted to confirm the upload, verify whether the pop-up message reflects the correct IP address.

    • When the IP address value is correct, click Yes to proceed. The access point will now reset automatically.

    • If the IP address in not correct, click No to return to cancel the upload procedure

The new parameter settings will now be loaded into the FlashROM of the TrueMobile access point. This means that the parameters will remain intact whenever the access point is reset or switched off and on again. To change the parameters again, simply repeat the procedure as described in this section to reconfigure your access points.

Dual PC Card Configuration

NOTE: Only the AP1000 has two PC Card slots. The AP-500 has one integrated PC Card.

The use of two PC Cards in one TrueMobile AP1000 can server multiple purposes, e.g.:

The dual slot design of the TrueMobile AP1000 allows you to configure the AP1000 to operate with almost any combination of the wired and wireless network interfaces listed above. This way your AP1000 provides easy migration paths between various generations of TrueMobile products.

A second PC Card inserted in the second slot of the access point will double the capacity of the AP1000. This option might be used in cases where a high rate of lost messages prevent fast data communication.

About IP addresses and Subnets

In larger organizations that make use of IP addressing for communications, the network architecture may include different network segments (subnets), typically separated by a router or gateway.

When installing the TrueMobile infrastructure into this type of network architecture, please note that all TrueMobile access points and wireless stations must be installed on the same subnet, i.e. on the same side of the router or gateway.

The roaming functionality does not work over routers. When access points are connected to different subnets, a mobile station may lose its network connection when it physically enters an area where the access points are connected to a different subnet.

The configuration and management of your access points is managed via the TCP/IP protocol stack. This means that each access point and computer that you wish to use to configure the access points must have a unique IP address.

You are advised to assign "static" IP addresses to the access points as described earlier in this section. This ensures that the access points at specific locations will always have the same IP address. For the LAN administrator stations you may either use a "static" IP address or a dynamic IP address that is assigned by a BOOTP or DHCP server.

When assigning IP addresses to LAN administrator stations and access points, make sure that:

NOTE: The wireless networking system does not need IP addressing to connect normal wireless stations to the network. The TrueMobile infrastructure is just the "physical" medium to connect a computer to an access point, like you could use wire to connect it to an Ethernet infrastructure.

However in environments where the network operating system uses the TCP/IP protocol, stations may need to have an IP address as well to use specific networking services, like for example access to the Internet.


When powered-up for the very first time, the TrueMobile access point will broadcast a request for an IP address. If your network includes a BOOTP or DHCP server, this server will automatically assign an available IP address to the access point. Older versions of the access point do not support dynamically assigning IP addresses. Assign an IP address to these access points as described in "Access point IP Parameters". These access points can be updated with new software to support the dynamically assigning IP addresses.

Subject to the settings of your BOOTP or DHCP services, you may need to introduce the TrueMobile access point MAC address to the BOOTP or DHCP server. Consult the documentation of your BOOTP/DHCP software for more information.

An IP address that is assigned by a DHCP server will be stored in the volatile memory of the access point: i.e. if the access point is reset, the DHCP server may assign another IP address. To obtain consistency in the IP address, it is advised to assign a permanent IP address to the access point, using the access point IP Address field on the access point IP tab.

An IP address that is assigned by a BOOTP server is stored in the configuration file of the BOOTP server. This configuration file has a one-to-one (static/fixed) mapping from MAC address to IP address. If a BOOTP server is used and the access point is reset, the IP address of the access point is the same as before the reset.

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